Improvements To RetailBI Dashboards

Improvements To RetailBI Dashboards

Migration Plans

Over the next two weeks, we will be migrating all RetailBI users to a new set of dashboards. Here are a few things to note regarding the migration:
  • If you have a login to RetailBI, you will receive an email notification when your account has been migrated indicating you have access to the new dashboards
  • Starting June 1st, you will lose access to the former dashboards and any pulse alerts you have created. 
  • You will have to set up any existing Pulse Notifications on the new dashboards when they become available
  • Navigating the dashboards will look slightly different. We have created a quick how-to video to help demonstrate these changes you can view here.

Video Walkthroughs

Additional Dashboard Info

  • The Retailer Market Trends and Best Selling UPCs Dashboard aggregates sales from Axis and Gearfire dealers and allows users to filter and identify bestselling products and trends
  • The data is cleaned leveraging Gearfire’s Master Data Catalog so the descriptions of Departments and Categories will likely not match what you typically see in Axis
Filters: Date, Department, Category, State

Retail Gross Margin Dashboard

  • The Retailer Gross Margin dashboard is designed to help provide a clearer picture of gross margin by leveraging filters – Sales without cost and/or revenue are removed (e.g., education classes that have revenue without cost would inflate margin)
Filters: Date, Department, Item, Store Name (only applicable if you have multiple stores), Manufacturer, Product Description, UPC, Quantity on Hand

Note: Because of the filters mentioned above, the Sales figures may not match the Retailer Sales 2.0 dashboard unless you leverage the same filters

Retailer Inventory 2.0

  • The Retailer Inventory 2.0 Dashboard is designed to help you better understand your inventory data
  • Leverage Quantity on Hand Status to identify where you may have negative inventory on hand
  • You will notice there is no date filter, that is because the data in this dashboard is always as of the last update (point in time); we don’t capture historical inventory data
Filters: QoH Status, Department, Item, Manufacturer, Product Description, UPC

Daily Sales

  • The Daily Sales Dashboard is very similar to the Retail Sales 2.0 dashboard, but it’s designed for dealer’s that are focused on daily sales – the dashboard is filtered to today and shows sales for the same weekday of the previous year (for example, if today is 4/19/21 the previous year comparison would be 4/20/20, the 3rd Monday in April)
Filters: Department, Item, Manufacturer, Product Description, UPC, Cost of Good Sold (greater than 0), price charge (greater than 0), Quantity on Hand

Data Quality Dashboard

The Data Quality Dashboard brings items to your attention that may need to be adjusted in Axis – Negative Quantity on Hand, Sales without cost, negative Sales 

If you have any questions or concerns please contact AXIS Support at

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