Getting Started

Getting Started


Gearfire Capital helps merchants improve conversion and average order value. Educating your customers about Gearfire Capital and adding monthly payment messaging can positively affect customers' purchase intent, and naturally encourages upsells and bundling.

Before You Start

  1. Make sure your marketing is compliant with regulations. Please review our Compliance & Guidelines page for more information.
  2. Do not publish Gearfire Capital-related marketing materials without contacting us for review. This applies to copy on your websites, email marketing, and any other digital or physical marketing materials.
  3. Do not mention monthly payment amounts without providing APR, total amount, and term length that the payment amount is based on.

Marketing Gearfire Capital

Your conversion funnel is a great place to market Gearfire Capital. It can be used throughout the funnel to strengthen buyer intent and help more customers complete their buying journey.
  1. In-store Marketing Gearfire Capital should be displayed in context wherever a price is displayed, as well as globally across your store to advertise your partnership with Gearfire Capital.
  2. Email Marketing You can mitigate price sensitivity by describing products in terms of monthly prices instead of their total cost. Promoting the availability of Gearfire Capital can drive increased traffic and sales.